Sunday, 26 June 2011

The Alternating Kitchen Witch - Gluten and Wheat Free cooking

A comment on my Summer Solstice post by Andrea of Dancing Barefoot blog really got me thinking. A few years ago I had started a cooking blog, posting some of my favourite recipes that I've modified for gluten and wheat free. It kind of got put to the side because I hit a busy point of life and forgot about it. I also wasn't happy with how I had it set out, and felt that it could be quite limited, at times. But after Andrea posted, and after other requests for my recipes from else where, I've decided that this, my main blog, is a perfect place for it. I know that I've been dreadful lately about keeping up on my posts, so it will help with that. I will be slowly transferring recipes already on the old blog, as well as adding new ones. If there's one that I've not put on but you've seen me mention it, feel free to ask and I'll be happy to post it :)


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